KeyNotes Music brings you news, information and tips on teaching and learning in group class settings. In our blog we refer to collaborative group teaching, everyone learning and playing together.

Finding Harmony: The Symbiosis of Gym Classes and Group Piano Learning group piano classses theory of learning Jan 08, 2024

Embracing a Year of Fitness and Musical Exploration

It is a new year, and for some that means a new fitness regime may have started! Over the past year, my own journey into the realm of exercise has ...

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Are your lessons inclusive? theory of learning Jul 20, 2020


Are your lessons inclusive?

Like truly inclusive? And what does that actually mean?

Is this even an aim of yours?

Well I can tell you, it is certainly an aim of mine. Perhaps my number 1...

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The biggest learning motivator for kids? Learning with their peers. theory of learning Jun 20, 2020

Never ever did I think I would be saying this, but my kids have had three months off school!

Three months!

And by the time they go back it will be six months.

What a journey it has been, and we are...

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